Thursday, June 25, 2015

Camp Crusaders! – Fine Finny Friends / Batman Makes the Scenes

Batman, Season One, Episodes 33-34

Holy hiatus, Batman!  It’s been a while since the last review, but here we go…

Personal Rating: B

Villain Spotlight:
The Penguin, that “waddling pirate of plunder,” is still gathering infamy, and looking dapper in the process.  And he’s so very committed to his life of crime – he intends to reinvest his pilfered riches in more elaborate acts of illegality.

Social Commentary:
I’m not convinced that “Miss Natural Resources” and “Miss Civil Rights” are the best representatives of social progress… at least not when dressed in bathing suits for the amusement of millionaire benefactors.  “Oh, who’s going to save our natural resources now?” moans Miss Natural Resources, when she repents of her collaboration with Penguin.

The Zen of Camp:
Ah, the 60’s… the only decade in which brainwashing could be achieved with Christmas lights, saunas, and rubber-ducky squawks.

“Not a clue in sight,” says Robin, missing the crumpled piece of paper in the middle of an empty room.

Commissioner Gordon: “What should we do, Batman?”
Batman: “Stop him, of course…”

Other Cool Stuff:
Is Penguin writing with octopus ink?  I do believe he is.